Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Expansion of Political Space

The UNESCO Chair in the Protection of Human Rights Defenders and Expansion of Political Space is based at the Centre for Applied Human Rights (CAHR), University of York (UK). The goal of the Chair, and its network of university and civil society partners, is to enhance the role of universities in activism and protection. 

The Chair will develop communities of practice, understood as multi-stakeholder spaces for dialogue; exchange of experience, knowledge and learning; trialling grounds for collaboration and innovation; and routes to impact. A recent initiative brought together universities, NGOs, donors and human rights defenders to co-produce Guidelines for Universities Hosting Human Rights Defenders. The Guidelines represent an invitation for universities to get involved in hosting human rights defenders, a source of inspiration about why this work matters, and a guide and set of tools on how to provide support.

Universities can play diverse roles in championing and protecting activism and activists. For universities to play a role these roles requires engagement with three core themes: